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Hi! Welcome to my page!

My name is Emmy Strutzenblad. I'm 28 years old and currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. I'm currently working as a Community/Product Manager at Adventure Box Technology AB (publ).

Me As A Game Designer

When it comes to game design, I love designing and balancing game mechanics the most. Everyone has ideas, certainly, but making these ideas work in the context of the game you desire to make is a different beast altogether. It's a challenge, and the satisfaction that comes from succeeding is such a wonderful feeling.


I also have an affinity for writing and world building. This has less to do with games and more to do with an interest I've had in writing since I was very young. However, writing for a game is different from writing a book or a movie script, as you have to make sure that the story and the gameplay aren't too segregated. Otherwise, you risk breaking a Player's immersion and willing suspension of disbelief.
It's a difficult balance to maintain, but it's so much fun to build scenarios and thinking about what game mechanics would suit them.

My Other Interests

When I'm not making games, playing games or reading about games, taekwondo is another one of my passions. I've been a practitioner for 15 years, and I'm a second-degree black belt as well as a certified taekwondo judge.

I love music. I sang in a choir for 2 years, and I've also played the guitar on and off again for a few years. I have an interest in collecting instruments and also an interest in learning how to play them.

I'm a huge fan of Terry Pratchett, the author of Discworld. He's my favorite author of all time, and I've taken it upon myself to collect as many of his books as possible. Currently, I've collected 61 of his works. My favorite Discworld book is Lords & Ladies, and my favorite non-Discworld book is A Blink Of The Screen.

Other hobbies I have are reading manga, drawing, cooking, photography and making horrible, horrible puns.

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